Drama Unfolds Between Jago and Ex-Girlfriend Tosyne Over N100M Claim

Drama Unfolds Between Jago and Ex-Girlfriend Tosyne Over N100M Claim

The ongoing feud between Lekki socialite Jago and his ex-girlfriend, model Tosyne, has escalated as Jago claims he spent over N100 million on their relationship. In an interview with Daddy Freeze, Jago accused Tosyne of exploiting him financially and shared that her decision to tattoo his name just two weeks into their relationship deepened his feelings. He also alleged that Tosyne proposed they date alongside his ex-girlfriend.

Tosyne, however, dismissed Jago’s claims, stating he only gave her N1 million twice and lent her his car last December. She called his allegations false and exaggerated.

Supporters of Jago believe he was used, while critics question his judgment. Both parties have hinted at possessing further evidence, leaving the public eager for more revelations as the dispute unfolds

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