A tragic stampede occurred in Okija, Anambra, on Saturday during a rice distribution event organized by the Obi Jackson Foundation, resulting in dozens of deaths and numerous injuries. The foundation, led by oil magnate Ernest Obiejesi, had planned the event to support the less privileged during the Christmas season.
Eyewitnesses reported that the stampede left many dead, primarily women, while several injured participants were rushed to Our Lady’s Hospital in Okija. Videos from the scene captured the harrowing aftermath. Hospital officials and the Anambra police command have confirmed that investigations are ongoing, but further details were not immediately provided.
According to residents, thousands of 10-kilogram bags of rice were distributed, but the overwhelming crowd meant some only received cups of rice. The annual charity initiative, which also supports children’s hospitals and educational facilities in Okija, turned deadly this year due to the sheer number of attendees.
This devastating incident follows a similar tragedy days earlier in Ibadan, where a Christmas charity event claimed the lives of 35 children.